Friday, December 11, 2009

Building the pyramids was Technology?

Well of course it was! You don't just think those thoughts come out of the sky? Khufu and the guy who designed the pyramids had to think about technology when they were first going to build the pyramids. They had to think about where the pyramids were going to go, where the chambers were going to be located, and what the stones were going to be made of. Also, it would be a matter of how big they were going to be. You know that when they were building the pyramids they had to get the bottom of the limestone wet so that it would slide a little bit easier because they weighed over 2 tons! Ya I know that is so weird. They also had to use these pole looking things to push underneath so the men carrying the limestone wouldn't be breaking their backs! (LOL!!!) Don't forget about the inside of the pyramids. They found empty sarcophagi in the pyramid but technically only Khufu was buried in the big pyramid. Pyramids were the place for the Pharaohs to be buried. It took 20 years to build one pyramid. Usually, though, the pharohs would be buried under the ground even in the pyramids. They had to make sure the ground was level before the pyramids were going to be built. The Valley of the Kings is also where most of the other pharohs were buried.

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