Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shaduf Invented

Oh My Gosh! Did you know that the shaduf wasn't invented in Egypt. Ya I know crazy, right? They used it so much for irrigation and it wasn't even invented there. It was first seen on an Akkad cylinder seal in the 3rd millennium. Technically Egypt had never even heard of it or seen it until 1550 B.C. So how did they water crops before the shaduf? Canals of coarse, Duh.
So the shaduf wasn't invented there, but it was a huge part in Egypt and technology. The shaduf would usually have a weight on the end so that the bottom of the shaduf would be less weight. The person would normally be on land or a platform so that they wouldn't fall in the water. That is all the technology you have to think about when you want to make or think of a shaduf.